Unconventional Wisdom
Albert Einstein once said “The definition of genius is taking the complex and making it simple.”
At One-AI Healthcare, we passionately believe in making the complex simple, but not simplistic. We deeply believe in approaching concepts, ideas and innovation from first principles and quashing dogma that has been passed down through time.
One-AI Healthcare is a unique Healthcare Technology company that brings premium, high quality and affordable patient centric solutions to the provider community worldwide. We extract value out of the entire medical device industry value chain - from Customer Need to Product Delivery (CNPD), and pass on the savings to our customers.
In our Customer Need to Product Delivery (CNPD) process, we adopt a two-fold approach. One, drive efficiencies in new product introduction (NPI) process from customer need (CN) to New Product Introduction (NPI) and two, from customer order to product delivery. Our goal is to continuously perfect this process through innovation, critical thinking, challenging the dogma and high execution velocity